Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weeks 1 & 2 - Things 1 - 4

Thing # 1: Finding out about the program
I am excited to be beginning this class. My only concern is that I may not be able to apply everything I learn in my school, because our Internet filters have been blocking a lot more things this year - especially anything that is interactive.

Thing #2: Lifelong Learning
The habit of successful lifelong learners that comes the easiest to me is Habit 2: Accept responsibility for your learning. Since childhood I have always loved school. As an adult, I still seek out opportunities to learn new things by taking classes, workshops, & reading. Although the only time I buy lottery tickets is when the jackpot gets high enough that it makes the news, I always say that if I won I would be a professional student.

The habit which is the hardest for me is Habit 3: View problems as challenges. I think this is difficult for me because I like to plan out everything & be in control - & I usually dislike things such as flat tires - because it could cause my plans to be disrupted. Instead of seeing this as an opportunity to learn how to change a flat tire, in the past I have seen only the negative sides, such as I'm forced to wait for AAA & may need to be late or miss something completely.

Thing # 3: Creating my Blog
I used Blogger to set up my blog. This was pretty simple because I already have a blogger account. Last year I used my "BMS Book Blog" at school frequently. This year I have had a lot of trouble getting access to blogger at school. If I was able to view the blog, students were unable to comment. I kept sending requests to get it unblocked, but finally ended up letting it go. Instead of my book blog, I have been using evanced reader's "Summer Reader" software - we received free access through SEMLS. Students & staff can keep logs of their reading, & read & write reviews. While I like this program, it still does not fill in completely for my blog. I really miss having online "discussions" with students.

Thing # 4: Create an Avatar
This was new to me. I had fun doing this - although I am sure it took me much more time then it should have. I did have some trouble importing it into my blog. I ended up saving it to my desktop & just importing it in as I would any other picture.

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